We offer comprehensive tax accounting support to the entrepreneurs which are subject to taxation in Poland:

  • preparation of the revenue and expense ledger(ksiega przychodow i rozchodow, abbr.: KPIR) by the taxation according to the progressive tax rate (12/ 32%)
  • preparation of the revenue and expense ledger (KPIR) by the taxation according to the flat tax rate (19%)
  • preparation of the ledgers by the lump-sum taxation
  • complete bookkeeping – you may find more information on this subject link.

For whom?

Our services in the area of the tax accounting are addressed to:

  • solo entrepreneurs (jednoosobowa dzialalnosc gospodarcza, abbr. JDG)
  • commercial partnerships
  • general partnerships(spolka jawna; abbr.s.j.)

Our services

Our tax accounting services comprise in particular:

  • keeping of the ledgers according to the binding tax provisions
  • keeping of the depreciation registers
  • preparation and submission of the monthly VAT returns on current monthly basis
  • preparation and submission of the monthly Recapitulative Statements returns on current monthly basis (if necessary)
  • preparation and submission of the yearly income tax returns

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